The innovation hub promotes a multidisciplinary approach to combating complex global problems. Grounded in systems thinking and dynamics, the innovation hub explores system interdependencies, defining interventions that will influence the overall behaviour of the system. Too often, development agencies, donors and multilateral organisations only consider a narrow component of the problem to be corrected, leading to sub-standard results and impacts.
The innovation hub seeks to correct this imbalance by researching and guiding where funds would best be spent for greatest positive impact. Our research is based on a thorough and long-term analysis of interconnected factors combined with practical field research, existing literature, and coordination with key experts – academics, scientists, investigators, government officials and the private sector.
Case Studies
The Centre for Global Advancement has created a number of case studies focusing on wildlife crime, illegal logging and broader deforestation and illegal mining. The objectives of these cases are to highlight the legal avenues pursued and the financial investigations undertaken. Case studies will be periodically updated as they become available covering all environmental issues.
1. Falsification of CITES Permits - The Doumbouya Case
2. Pseudo-Hunting - The Xaysavang Network
3. Illegal Logging - The Chaimat Network
4. Deforestation and Illegal Gold Mining - The NTR Metals Case
ACAMS-WWF IWT Certification (2020)
TRAFFIC Case Digest (2021)
GITOC – Tracking Blood Money (2021)
Napier Blog (How can AML beat Environmental Crime) (2022)
C4GA/WWF – Environmental Defender Lists (2022)
UNLV – Online Casinos, Alternative Payment Methods and the associated Financial Crime Risks (2022)
IAFCI Interview – Wildlife & Environmental Crime (2022)
Radio New Zealand Interview – Following the Money (2022)
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand – Accounting on the Wild Side (2022)
GITOC – Asian Roulette (2022)
Greenpeace – Shining Light in the Shadows (2023)
UNLV – An assessment of AML risks linked to accepting crypto payments in the gambling sector – (A regulator’s guide) (2023)
AICB – Following the Money in South-East Asia (2023)
Voice of America (VOA) – UN Warns of Growing Money Laundering, Shadow Banking Risk from Mekong Casinos (2023)
ICA – ESG Survey – Social Risks, Blind Spots and Barriers (contributor) (2023)

To schedule a discussion, please contact
Ms. Amanda Gore, Managing Director

Get Involved!
We are always looking for talented young professionals that are passionate about creating global and lasting change.
Current Vacancies
There are currently no vacancies.
Roster of Experts
We maintain a “Roster of Experts” for individuals looking to engage in project work covering research, training and investigations support. If you are interested in taking part, please email your CV to: with the subject line “Roster of Experts.”
Internships and Volunteers
We are also open to proposals and requests from motivated individuals for internships and volunteer positions that cover the following areas: advocacy and education, social media experts, researchers, forensic accountants and litigation professionals.
Contact us
We would love to hear from you. Please get in touch!
+254 799 751 560
New Zealand:
+64 21 02409697
Cedar House, Hazell Drive, Newport, Wales, NP10 8FY, UK
Orchard Close, Muthaiga, Nairobi, Kenya